April 9, 2020

Hard Day’s Night: Causes of Sleep Deprivation


   Sleep deprivation can be ___, quite literally. After a ___ of being kept awake, ___ 19th century Chinese merchant ___ had been sentenced to ___ by sleep deprivation was ___ for “the opportunity of ___ strangled, guillotined, burned to ___ or drowned.”

   If you ___ to know what it’s ___ to suffer the horrors ___ sleep deprivation, try reducing ___ number of hours you ___. But there is another ___, much harder to ___ and more common than ___ realise: sleep deprivation is ___ just about quantity, it ___ about quality too.
   There ___ no better illustration of ___ importance of sleep quality ___ narcolepsy, a sleep disorder ___ have lived with for ___ my life. When I ___ diagnosed in the 1990s, ___ I explained to someone ___ had narcolepsy I was ___ by an astonished stare. ___ most people know it ___ a disabling neurological condition ___ which sleep strikes with ___ or no warning repeatedly ___ the day. The sleep ___ narcolepsy is not healthy, ___ sleep, but is seriously ___, shot through by hallucination-like ___. Just as sleep repeatedly ___ with my ability to stay awake during the day, wakefulness very often intrudes on my sleep at night. Narcolepsy is about being simultaneously overslept and sleep-deprived.

   A recent study showed that one of the strongest predictors of how rested you feel in the morning is sleep continuity. Anyone who’s had children can testify to the psychological suffering that results from fractured sleep. It is pretty clear that the brain would rather not be disturbed.

Have fun....and take care! 257 JUN-B-2019