March 26, 2009

A Successful Operation

The S Past & The Present Perfect - Review

405 [70 words each]

POINTS: Doctors operated - mummy - Egyptian woman. Died 800 BC - Wanted to find out - died rare disease - Removed section - Sent it to laboratory - Unexpectedly found figure - wax. Afraid mummy fall to pieces - "Survived" operation.

405.1   1. Some doctors ... who ... . 2. They wanted ... whether ... . 3. After removing ..., ... . 4. During the operation ... . 5. Though ... , the mummy ...

405.2   1. ... who ... in order to ... if ... of a rare disease. 2. ... which was sent ... . 3. Inside the mummy ... . 4. ... , but the mummy ... .

Have fun...and take care!


Rafa C. said...

405.1 Some doctors operated on the mummy of an Egyptian woman who had died in 800 BC. They wanted to find out whether she had died of a rare disease. After removing a section, they sent it to a laboratory. During the operation they unexpectedly found a figure made of wax. Though the doctors were afraid that it would fall to pieces, the mummy "survived" the operation.

Rafa C. said...

Some doctors operated on the mummy of an Egyptian woman who had died in 800 BC in order to find out if she had died of a rare disease. They removed a section, which was sent to a laboratory. Inside the mummy they unexpectedly found a figure made of wax. The doctors were afraid that it would fall to pieces, but the mummy "survived" the operation.