March 29, 2009

Monster or Fish?

The Passive - Review

410 [80 words each]     POINTS: Strange fish caught - Madagascar - Fishing-boat - out to sea - make effort - not damage - Fishermen - brought it to shore. Thirteen feet long - Head like horse - Sent museum - Examined - scientist - Oarfish. Six hundred feet - under water.

410.1   1. A strange fish ... after having pulled ... 2. Making ... so as not to ... , the fishermen ... . 3. The fish, which ... with ... , ... . 4. It ... who said that the fish was ... and that they live ... .

410.2   1. A strange fish ... Madagascar. 2. Though the fished pulled ... , ... . 3. On being brought ..., the fish was found ... and have ... 4. Now that the fish has been ... , it is being ... . 5. The fish ... and ... .

Have fun...and take care!


Rafa C. said...

410.1 - A strange fish has been (was) caught near Madagascar after having pulled a fishing-boat out to sea. Making every effort so as not to damage it, the fishermen brought it to the shore. The fish, which is thirteen feet long with a head like a horse, has been (was) sent to a museum. It is being (was) examined by a scientist who said that the fish was an oarfish and that they live six hundred feet under water.

Rafa C. said...

410.2 - A strange fish has been (was) caught near Madagascar. Though the fish pulled the fishing-boat out to sea, they made every effort not to damage it. On being brought to the shore, the fishermen was found to be thirteen feet long and have the head of a horse. Now that the fish has been sent to a museum, it is being examined by a scientist. The fish is an oarfish and it lives six hundred feet under water.